August 17, 2007

One of the Working Force Again

So I know you've all been seething with envy during my beautiful summer vacation. Alas, It has drawn to a close. Today is the second day of school and naps have become a fleeting memory. On Wednesday, the bright-eyed and confused faces of the 7th grade class swarmed the Halls, only to be followed by all grades on Thursday. That leaves today, The First full day of worthwhile teaching and man am I exhausted. The driving force at the moment is getting to the end of the day for TGIF at the new Mexican Restaurant in town.So far, I sound pretty bummed right? Well not true, I'm having a blast. It's exhausting and exhilarating to start a new year. So far, this years eight graders are a hoot and I've got lots of kids pumped up to participate in the fall production. It's been great seeing all my teaching friends again and my room has never looked better. I'm ready for this so......"Okay....Here we Go".

Wedding Stuff

Things are going great. Eric and ordered our wedding bands last week and I've got our marriage license at home in a safe place. We booked the flowers, talked to the musicians and are working on the ceremony, not to mention looking at Honeymoon locations! This is going to be such a fun wedding and I'm so excited to be Mrs. Neuteboom ( some of my kids are already coming up with nicknames, I don't think I want to know them all) We're looking forward to seeing family over labor day weekend and to each and every over 100 degree softball game. ( Softball highlights will follow next week).

That's about all for now. Back to preparing to sculpt young minds!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.