It's official! I'm 25, Woo Hoo insurance break!
I had an awesome birthday from the Royals game to a fab lobster dinner (Although it didn't quite beat the lobster dinners at the Massachusetts Averill's house. Nothing is better then lobster fresh from the ocean) I received several singing voice messages and many birthday wishes. Thanks guys!! In terms of material things, I got some awesome loot. I got a new bike! ( thanks Neutebooms) Scene it Squabble: I challenge the Jones' to a game. And many other wonderful presents. Everyone made me feel so special and loved. Thanks!

I have made a decision on the bridesmaid dresses. In the style of Audry Hepburn Breakfast at Tiffany's I'm going with black cocktail dresses. I'm going to buy scarves in the Burgundy color of the wedding and let the girls find a dress that fits their taste and style. The only guidelines are that they have to be able to wear the scarf somehow. I think I may also try to find cute matching shoes, We'll see. Next on the list, Catering AHHHHHHH!!!! any suggestions.
~ Trish
FINALLY! A wedding post (sort of) that I've been craving for. (Oh, and happy 25th, whatever) We need photos of the bridesmaids next. Give a bio of sorts, same for E-Boom. I don't think that nickname's going to stick.
Oh, to be 25 again (it was only four years ago and I'm making SOOOO much more money now compared to then).
The Joneses accept your challenge! We have Adrianne on our side, so you will be crushed!
Catering: if you want fancy, ignore this suggestion. Oakley Creek! Awesome BBQ! Affordable! A nice combo.
I think black ballerina shoes would be cute and comfy. Just my 2 cents ;)
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