February 19, 2007

Well...here we go...

Well, if nothing else, this should be an interesting adventure. I've seen other friends of ours (namely Seth, Adrianne and baby Evey) recently begin to chronicle their lives in blog format, so I thought I'd create a blog to help all of our friends and family find information about our wedding and other miscellaneous "Eric and Trish" adventures online. For example, Saturday night Trish won at poker! We'll see if we can get a follow up post on here about that. Expect stories like that and much more (hopefully).

To be honest, technology is pretty, well, frightening and confusing to me, but if I can burn CDs, and if I can use a digital camera, well, anything's possible (Trish is a whiz with this stuff). There will probably be some overly sappy, lovey-dovey posts on here too (I am madly in love, after all), some musings about baseball and the ever-reliable beer story. So, buckle up and hold on, this ride's just getting started!


Seth said...

AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE!!!! First post!!!!

Commodore Lerve said...

Wow, after last night's birthday celebration and conversation, I was expecting some huge blog. I mean, you did say...well, you know what you said.

But all's I get is the opening paragraph (witty, if simplistic) and NO FRIGGIN' PICTURES OF TRISH?!?!?!

I go to blogs for photos. Make it happen.

Commodore Lerve said...

Seems like the ride's stalled a little bit. It reminds me a bit of a scene from the all-time best movie...maybe El Lerv-o needs to take over:

Jefe: When you want-a the village, you take-a the village. When you want-a the woman, you take-a the woman.

El Guapo: Jefe, you do not understand women. You cannot force open the petals of a flower. When the flower is ready, it opens itself up to you.

Jefe: So when do you think Carmen will open up her flower to you?

El Guapo: Tonight, or I will kill her.

Maybe that quote didn't really go with what I was trying to say, but hell, it is The Three Amigos.