Man, I'm excited.
Whooodamn, yeah!
Fo' real.
Royals. Yankees. Pine-tar tee-shirts. Denny Mathews and Cooperstown.
Scott Elart...wait, what the hell? Scott Elarton? That Scott Elarton?
No man, can't be.
Well, it was. Life as a Royals fan, what a kick.
The future Mrs. Neuteboom and I went to KC last night (with the Gaus') to catch the Royals game. We - I - had high hopes for a great night. Beautiful night, beautiful fiancee, what else could anybody want? Besides tickets...
Yep, you guessed it, the game sold out. SOLD OUT!
Let that sink in for a minute. The Royals sold out the game! On Tuesday night! In July!
I can't even remember the last time that anything even approaching that ever happened (save for the obvious, Opening Day). It was an amazing, electrifying, fevered and charged atmosphere at the K last night, and everybody was feeling good. You could tell, there was something special in the air. That's part of the appeal of baseball to me. If you're lucky, maybe you'll see something special - a tell your grand kids about it kind of special. Sometimes it's a gut feeling. Sometimes it's a more obvious sign (like an endless pursuit of 756). And still sometimes nothing happens at all.
Last night was one of those nights for me.
Royals fans, finally united with hope, were out. A BIG time, full force, "hey kid fuck you Jeter sucks" kind of out. We were here together, we were ready to see something special.
And I didn't have tickets. Damn.
I didn't mind, actually. Sure I was disappointed. But...the game sold out. This is a good thing. This is foreign and new. I really didn't mind. But, just in case, pass me a beer...
We ended up leaving the stadium (after some mild hassles by the parking people) and heading to the Isle of Capri casino. Why not, we thought, we were already in KC?
And there, at the casino, was where we heard:
The Yankees knocked Elarton around for 7 runs in 1 2/3 innings. I've spared myself from really looking at all the grisly details, otherwise I'd share them here.
I think the final ended up being 9-2 or something like that, but after such an utterly deflating first two innings, any momentum the crowd had was looong since gone. As the SportsGuy would say, it was a stomach punch game.
UPDATE: I heard on the news today that the Royals gave Elarton his outright release, which was sadly overdue. I feel bad for Elarton; by all accounts he's a really decent, stand up guy. But he just throws 85 right down the middle. Not good.
Anyway, it was a really depressing start to an otherwise promising game. Special things can happen in baseball (witness the amazing return of Jon Lester) and the stage was set last night for the Royals to win the game and give a gift to their fans. But they couldn't.
I guess this just means that when "it" happens, "it" will be all the sweeter.
But please Lord, don't let the Yankees make the playoffs.
It's the least you can do.
July 25, 2007
July 23, 2007
Well, golly, 'bout time you wrote something...
Geeze, wow...I mean, how long has it been? 3 Weeks? A month? Two months?!? I can't even remember my last post. And you know what? It's Trish's fault.
It is.
Here's how.
She's so wonderful and organized, that she even writes blog posts for me (basically). So, her wonderfulness has dominated my laziness, and hence, no posts from me. But I'm gonna change that, starting jetzt.
So I'm going to post a few random thoughts, a few wedding notes and anything else that comes to mind more regularly. We are, after all, only three months from the wedding. So, please forgive my absence, I promise to write more. Here's what's been on my mind lately:
- If only given one choice for a "beer to drink in the Summer," I'd forever choose a Pale Ale. No reason for anyone to drink any other beer in the Summer.
- How 'bout dem Royals! Lemme tell ya...this team is fun. They play the game the right way. Now only if they'd get rid of Reggie Sanders and Emil Brown.
- Our engagement photo/announcement was in the paper Saturday. Here's the link:
- And Ryan Shealy. Man, fuck that guy. And Jason LaRue. Fuck him too.
- A few weeks back, I went to a surprise party for Jeff Heiman. His wife, Kendall, threw an awesome party, complete with prizes for the poker game. Ironically enough, Jonesy and I finished 1-2 (he took first) in both the poker and the beer drinking. Best of all, I won a copy of SuperTroopers! Usually I play for $$, but playing for alternate prizes was fun.
- Damn Bay Leaf, how long you gonna take? Sorry Heidi, your gift should be there by the time Gabe is ready to say "hi."
- Heading to the Royals game with the Gaus's tomorrow. It's George Brett pine-tar tee-shirt give-a-way night (bring your own hyphens). Gonna be fun; it's a Yankees game. I could be arrested.
- Bambino's Italian Cafe is going to cater the wedding reception! Trish and I are thrilled. We've made good friends with the owners, and they're great people. So do yourselves a favor, head over to Bambino's and have a drink or some dinner.
I can't think of anything else. I'm finally in possession of Trish again (I love the Victor show but I missed my baby!) which is great. We've got a backlog of DVR shows to catch up on, plus a new Big Love (awesome, awesome season) and a couple bison steaks thawing, waiting for my attention. Tomorrow, look for some Victor notes and the long-awaited results of the 3rd Annual Loaf Off.
"Remember who you are, and remember who loves you."
It is.
Here's how.
She's so wonderful and organized, that she even writes blog posts for me (basically). So, her wonderfulness has dominated my laziness, and hence, no posts from me. But I'm gonna change that, starting jetzt.
So I'm going to post a few random thoughts, a few wedding notes and anything else that comes to mind more regularly. We are, after all, only three months from the wedding. So, please forgive my absence, I promise to write more. Here's what's been on my mind lately:
- If only given one choice for a "beer to drink in the Summer," I'd forever choose a Pale Ale. No reason for anyone to drink any other beer in the Summer.
- How 'bout dem Royals! Lemme tell ya...this team is fun. They play the game the right way. Now only if they'd get rid of Reggie Sanders and Emil Brown.
- Our engagement photo/announcement was in the paper Saturday. Here's the link:
- And Ryan Shealy. Man, fuck that guy. And Jason LaRue. Fuck him too.
- A few weeks back, I went to a surprise party for Jeff Heiman. His wife, Kendall, threw an awesome party, complete with prizes for the poker game. Ironically enough, Jonesy and I finished 1-2 (he took first) in both the poker and the beer drinking. Best of all, I won a copy of SuperTroopers! Usually I play for $$, but playing for alternate prizes was fun.
- Damn Bay Leaf, how long you gonna take? Sorry Heidi, your gift should be there by the time Gabe is ready to say "hi."
- Heading to the Royals game with the Gaus's tomorrow. It's George Brett pine-tar tee-shirt give-a-way night (bring your own hyphens). Gonna be fun; it's a Yankees game. I could be arrested.
- Bambino's Italian Cafe is going to cater the wedding reception! Trish and I are thrilled. We've made good friends with the owners, and they're great people. So do yourselves a favor, head over to Bambino's and have a drink or some dinner.
I can't think of anything else. I'm finally in possession of Trish again (I love the Victor show but I missed my baby!) which is great. We've got a backlog of DVR shows to catch up on, plus a new Big Love (awesome, awesome season) and a couple bison steaks thawing, waiting for my attention. Tomorrow, look for some Victor notes and the long-awaited results of the 3rd Annual Loaf Off.
"Remember who you are, and remember who loves you."
July 17, 2007
Free Victor Continental
A bunch of us met up at Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner, including the folks. We then hit Harbor Lights.
Now back to Victor. Every year or so....Victor returns to Lawrence for more laughs and drinks. For more information, check out his My Space Page ( P.S. I finally have one too!) You can search by name "Victor Continental" For me, I'll just show you some rehearsal shots, a bit of a sneak preview. Here are some rehearsal photos of writing the opening number. 

July 11, 2007
Bridal Shower's Wee!!!
Hooray, First off the post is letting me title my entries again and that is a lovely thing. I needed a break from my very frustrating online course so I decided to tell you all about our first Wedding Shower.

It was truly wonderful and we were very grateful for all the love, recipes on a good marriage and kitchen items. For those of you feeling neglected, don't you fret, a Hawaiian themed shower is still on the way.
Last Sunday, my Aunt Libby hosted a wonderful Family Kitchen Shower for Eric and I. It was lots of fun and Eric and I now have a plethora of recipes for dinner parties, not to mention some beautiful place mats and napkins. The guest list consisted of our families, and bridal party members who in the end will probably be roped into all shower experiences.
The party ran from 4:00pm-7:00pm and was a potluck where people brought the food and the recipe for Eric and I to keep. We got wonderful gifts and good family time. Most of my father's side of the family was able to make it. Eric had his Aunt Peggy and Uncle Don to represent his side, and my cousins Rachel and Nikki were there for my mom's side of the family.
This one is of Irv and Betty Rosen who just celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary, they are so wonderful together. You think I can put up with Eric for 60yrs? ~Trish
July 9, 2007
July 4, 2007
Happy 4th of July!!!
- ~Blow stuff up
- ~Play with Baby Keegan
- ~Blow stuff up
- ~Eat an amazing dinner, including Tracy's Deviled Eggs
- ~Blow stuff up
- ~Enjoy witty banter with Sean
- ~Blow stuff up
- ~Play outdoor American family fun games like catch, and boccie(American?)
- ~Blow stuff up
- ~Games and fun with Tracy, Sean, Jaq and of course Keegan
#1 Rule: Don't get fireworks near the baby and for Eric:
Here's what happened last year.
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