Highlights: After being harassed, Run over and almost getting into a very non christian fight, ( Nicely done Gaus) the Lugnutz came back with two beautiful runs in what could almost be classified as a rally. Hilary pitched a great first game and Neuty pitched beautifully in the second, plus he looked REAL good doing it! Emily made a flawless catch in the outfield and Chris made two ( on the first one he got so excited he forgot to throw it back infield). Sean, Chops and Dustin were of course flawless and Deena did a few cartwheels in the outfield, literally. I didn't have my best game yet but I had a whole lot of fun. Jaq took one for the team with a beautiful slide into second and Hilary took one in the shin while pitching. Way to take it girls!! Overall it was a lot of fun and we look forward to next week.
We could sure use some fans. Let me know if you wanna come out to see a game and I'll send you a schedule.
Wedding Update: Save the Date cards are on their way. I plan to put them in the mail on Wednesday for all of our out of town guests. For now, here's the awesome picture we put on them.